About the Association
The objectives for which this organization is formed are to provide recreational facilities for the residents of Belmont Park Estates and their guests, and to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the waterfront area, which has been accorded us.
Officers & Directors
Officer-Director | Name |
President | Mike Polifko |
Vice President | George Arnold |
Secretary | Tom Goeller |
Treasurer | Mike Polifko |
Director | Charles Lee |
Director | Letita Davis |
Director | Ed Graves |
Belmont Park
More information posted soon...
Park Trustees
Jim Foster | |
Mike Polifko | |
George Arnold |
Committee Chairs
Park Operating Committee: | Mike Polifko |
Steering Committee: | George Arnold |
Membership: | Van Messner |
Dock Master and Marina: | Barkley Davis |
Social Events: | Letitia (Tish) Davis |
BBCAI.org Website: | George Arnold |